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Half-yearly Report

Author: Appeninn Nyrt.
Appeninn Nyrt. - Half-yearly Report 2016H1 - Besides stable operation, Appeninn Nyrt. further expanded its property portfolio in the first half of this year, so that the Company’s revenue in the following quarters may increase, and based on its earnings result so far this year the Company adheres to its intention of distribution of dividends. The Company closed the first six months of this year with a revenue of EUR 2.15 million, and with a net income of EUR 412,000.

Original news

Half-yearly Report

Author: Appeninn Nyrt.
Appeninn Nyrt. - Half-yearly Report 2016H1 - Besides stable operation, Appeninn Nyrt. further expanded its property portfolio in the first half of this year, so that the Company’s revenue in the following quarters may increase, and based on its earnings result so far this year the Company adheres to its intention of distribution of dividends. The Company closed the first six months of this year with a revenue of EUR 2.15 million, and with a net income of EUR 412,000.