BUX value, rounded in line with the Price Interval.
Price Interval
10 index points.
Value of Price Interval
HUF 100
Expiration Months
a) the next March, June, September, December; b) the second next June and December. c) except for item a.) the two next months
Opening Day
a.) In the case of the months listed under item a.) of the expiration months: the Monday preceding the 3rd Friday of the expiration month preceding the given expiration month by 12 months, if that is not a Stock Exchange Day, the first Stock Exchange Day that follows it; b.) in the case of the months listed under item b.) of the expiration months: the Monday preceding the 3rd Friday of the expiration month preceding the given expiration month by 24 months, if that is not a Stock Exchange Day, the first Stock Exchange Day that follows it; c.) in the case of the months listed under item c.) of the expiration months: the Monday preceding the 3rd Friday of the expiration month preceding the given expiration month by 3 months, if that is not a Stock Exchange Day, the first Stock Exchange Day that follows it.
Closing Day
The 3rd Friday of the given expiration month, if that is not a Stock Exchange Day, the last Stock Exchange Day that precedes to it.
Expiration Date
The Closing Day
Computation method of settlement price at expiration
Delivery Method
Cash settlement of the price difference in HUFs.
Clearing Range
2330 points
Daily maximum price change
4660 points
BUX + year (2 characters) + month (2 characters)
Trading Hours
Transaction Unit
1 contract
First Trading Day
In the case of the next March, June, September, December and the second next June and December instruments: March 31, 1995. In addition to the above, in the case of the two next months instruments: February 18, 2000.