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ENEFI Vagyonkezelő Nyrt.
ENEFI Asset Management Plc.
ENEFI share

ENEFI Asset Management Plc.

  • Introduction
  • Trading data
  • Financials
  • Shareholders, management
  • Publications
  • Product features
Full Name ENEFI Asset Management Plc.
Short name ENEFI Asset Management Plc.
Sector Other Industrial Services
HU-1031 Budapest, Nánási út 5-7. E. ép. 3. em. 4. ajtó
Phone: +36 1 631-3784
Fax: +36 1 631-3785
Investor Relations
Gergely dr. Sárkány
Phone: +36-1-631-3784
Fax: +36-1-631-3785
Auditor UNIKONTO Számvitelkutatási Kft.
Business activity The company s legal predecessor was founded in 2000. It operates in the field of the so-called ESCO (energy saving company) services. Using its own capital, it restructures energy-use systems, drawing returns through the savings in energy costs. It also undertakes the long-term maintenance and operation of the newly established systems. Depending on the rate of return, it provides energy services (heat supply, public lighting, electrical power conservation service) under contracts typically lasting 8 to 15 years.
Listed securities of the issuer
Name Ticker ISIN
ENEFI preference share ENEFI ELS HU0000173737
ENEFI share ENEFI HU0000089198
Basic Information
Ticker ENEFI
Date of listing29 May 2007
Currency of tradingHUF
Face Value10 HUF
Number of securities listed11,150,000
Market Capitalisation (HUF million)2,275
> Split (S)/Reverse split (R)
26 Sep 2007 S (1 : 1000)
P/BV* 0.8103
* Calculating based on the capitalisation of the actual series only
* annualized yield

Key annual data

audited, consolidated, IFRS; Business Year: January 1 - December 31
20221 20232
(thousand HUF) (thousand HUF)
Total revenues 783,562 396,013
Operating Profit (EBIT) -236,447 -387,404
Net income from financial activities 68,771 181,473
Profit before tax -167,676 -205,931
Profit after tax -175,791 -219,906
Dividend per (ordinary) share 0 HUF 0 HUF
Fixed Assets 1,709,582 1,606,742
Total liabilities 643,977 635,125
Share capital 166,061 166,061
Shareholders equity 3,068,134 2,807,465
Total assets 3,712,111 3,442,590
Number of employees (at business year end) 42 26
(1) Audited, consolidated, in compliance with IFRS (Business Year: January 1 - December 31)
(2) audited, consolidated, IFRS; Business Year: January 1 - December 31

Selected financial ratios

Ratios are based on data submitted by the company
2022 2023
Equity Ratio 0.21 0.23
Return on assets (ROA) -0.06 -0.08
Return on equity (ROE) -0.05 -0.06

Mid-year reports

non-audited, consolidated, IFRS; Business Year: January 1 - June 30
Key P&L Figures Jan 2022 - Jun 20221 Jan 2023 - Jun 20232
(thousand HUF) (thousand HUF)
Net sales 560,467 230,150
Operating profit (EBIT) -177,555 -109,467
Net income from financial activities 64,822 -19,108
Profit before tax -189,893 -226,427
Profit after tax -208,136 -227,271
Key Balance Sheet Items 30 Jun 2022 30 Jun 2023
(thousand HUF) (thousand HUF)
Fixed Assets 1,764,728 1,625,288
Intangible Assets 31,068 30,079
Tangible assets 1,684,512 1,595,209
Invested financial assets 80,216 0
Current Assets 2,907,814 1,726,494
Inventory 5,439 3,969
Total assets 4,703,610 3,351,782
Shareholders equity 3,029,958 2,735,244
Share capital 166,061 166,061
Long-term liabilities 38,352 840
Short-term liabilities 1,635,300 615,698
Total liabilities and shareholders equity 4,703,610 3,351,782
(1) Non-audited, consolidated, in compliance with IFRS (Business Year: January 1 - June )
(2) non-audited, consolidated, IFRS; Business Year: January 1 - June 30
Shareholders exceeding 5% stake with respect to the listed series
Name Shareholding (%) Share piece
SOÓS Csaba 20.15 2,247,200
Treasury shares 18.68 2,082,898
Note: When determining the Free Float for a particular series, all the securities of the company shall be regarded to be publicly held other than (i) the stock of securities held by holders with direct holdings of more than 5% of the total number of securities, (ii) securities in the possession of custodians, provided the certificate available to the custodian verifies that the particular person holds more than 5% of the total number of securities outstanding belonging to the series. The value of the free float is based on the data provided by the issuer.
Management Board SOÓS Csaba (chairman), BÁLINT László, VIRÁG Ferenc
Supervisory Board KEREKES Imre (chairman), Dr. BAKACSI Gyula, Dr. SISKA Miklós László
Name of securityENEFI share
IssuerENEFI Asset Management Plc.
Equity classOrdinary share
Type of securityRegistered
Form of securityDematerialised
Code of security (ISIN)HU0000089198
Ticker symbolENEFI
Face value10 HUF
Number of securities listed11,150,000
Rights to dividendsFull year
Listing date29 May 2007
First Trading Day29 May 2007
Trading Unit
Currency of tradingHUF
Trading time
Listing price582,600